This organization invites companies to offer a special product or promotion to their customers, and then donate a percentage of their profits to (RED), which is dedicated to help eliminate AIDS in Africa.
As a traveler, if you stay at any W Hotel between December 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009, and mention Promo Code: WYB when making your reservation (866-924-8719 / or online), you become part of (RED)'s worldwide effort to raise awareness and money for the Global Fund.
Participating in this W Hotel promotion won't cost you anything extra to book a room, but as a hotel guest, you'll automatically receive a six month membership to (RED)Wire - a new digital magazine and online music service that delivers exclusive music from top artists like John Legend, Death Cab For Cutie, Elvis Costello and Sheryl Crow. Normally, there's a $5.00 per month fee for membership, of which $2.50 is donated to the (RED) cause. To learn more about (RED)Wire, visit www.joinredwire.com.
Your membership package when you visit a W Hotel will also include a limited edition USB drive that features DELL inspired artwork from African artist Joseph Amedokpo.
Upon check-in at a W Hotel (when you participate in this program), you'll also receive two complementary drinks, plus the guest room accommodations you reserve when making your reservation.
So, next time you're looking for a fun and trendy hotel, consider staying at a W Hotel and participating in this program so your business also winds up helping a very worthwhile cause. For more information about (RED), visit www.joinred.com.
According to the (RED) organization, "Every time you buy a (RED) product or service, at no extra cost to you, the company who makes that product will give up to fifty (50) percent of its profit to buy and distribute antiretroviral medicine to our brothers and sisters dying of AIDS in Africa....Every dollar goes straight to Africa. Straight to the people who need it...(RED) is an answer to an emergency. An answer that is working. Over 2.5 million people have been impacted in just two years....Your (RED) purchases have helped provide lifesaving antiretroviral treatment for nearly 80,000 people in Rwanda, Swaziland, Ghana and Lesotho."
In today's tough economy, many hotels are offering promotions that reward travelers. Free gas cards, extra frequent flier miles or free meals are among these incentives. It's very refreshing, however, to see a major hotel chain, like W Hotels, take an active role working with a worthwhile charitable cause, plus reward its guests for each of their visits.