Okay, so a few weeks ago I blogged about receiving a Q-Link necklace, and was intrigued by the claims the distributing company makes about how wearing this pendant would increase the wearer's energy and focus, reduce their stress, plus reduce or eliminate jet-lag along with travel-related fatigue.
Well, as you know, if you've been following my blog or Twitter postings, I have been on-the-go, virtually non-stop for the past two weeks. Right now, I'm in Miami, FL, after having a wonderful experience visiting Daytona Beach.

Anyway, for the past few weeks, I was wearing Q-Link's "Classic" SR-2 pendant ($39.00). To be honest, I didn't notice a huge change. However, a few days ago, I acquired a Q-Link Titanium pendant ($239.00), and within a few hours, I did notice a significant difference in my overall well-being, fatigue level and stress level - and that positive difference has remained for several days now, despite the fact that my schedule has become increasingly more hectic.
I can't offer specific quantifiable proof that the Q-Link achieves everything the company's promotional materials says it does, however, for me, I have noticed steady improvements as I continue to wear the Q-Link Titanium pendant, which utilizes more powerful SR-3 technology (described on the company's website - www.QLinkProducts.com).
So, after a few weeks of wearing two different Q-Link products, I would say that if you too are intrigued by what Clarus Transphase Scientific, Inc. claims the Q-Link can do for you, I would give it a try firsthand. The company does offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.
My advice, however, is if you are going to try out a Q-Link, invest in one of the more costly SR-3 models (they start at $99.95), so you'll potentially benefit from the full impact of what this technology offers.
Before investing any money in this technology, however, visit the company's website or call them directly at (800) 246-2765, and have Clarus Transphase Scientific explain the Q-Link technology to you and help you choose from their line-up of products that will best benefit you.
It's important to understand that this is not a medical device. It's more of a "new age" thing that helps people counteract the negative impact of EMF fields that we're all bombarded with when we use cell phones, computers, fluorescent lights, most electronic devices, and when we travel.
If you'd rather wear handcrafted jewelry that incorporates Q-Link's SR-3 technology, consider one of the more expensive pieces from the Equilibrio line (described on the company's website).
As I continue to wear my Q-Link, this week I am in Miami, FL gathering information and taking photos for the Thomas Cook Traveller Florida Hotspots book I am currently writing.
Details about this Miami portion of my trip, including travel tips, reviews of top attractions/activities, money-saving advice, and vacation planning strategies will be posted shortly. Until then, please follow me on Twitter (www.Twitter.com/JasonRich7).