Well, the folks at U.S. Customs and Border Protection have recently introduced the Global Entry Program (www.globalentry.gov).
Joining the program required its members to complete an extensive online questionnaire (which takes about 30 minutes), and then participate in an in-person interview and background check, at which time, approved applicants are fingerprinted and have their photo taken.
Once fully approved, members can skip the long lines at U.S. Customs and Immigration whenever they re-enter the U.S. through one of 20 currently participating airports. Instead, members swipe their U.S. Passport through an ATM-like machine to have their identity confirmed, and about 45 seconds later, they're on their way out of the airport. This can save up to two hours per return trip.
Okay, there is a catch. To join the Global Entry Program, the cost is $100.00 for five (5) years. Beyond that, everything about the program has been designed to make a frequent traveler's experience returning to the U.S. as quick and hassle-free as possible.
For more information, or to sign up for the program, visit www.GlobalEntry.gov. The whole application and approval process takes between one and three weeks. The program is open to all U.S. citizens with a valid U.S. Passport.